OpenBCM V1.07b11 (WIN32)

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MD2SAW > PACKET   02.08.21 12:00l 217 Lines 7581 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 3570_MD2BBS
Read: GAST DQB562
Subj: Re: Direwolf FixBit DE/ENG
Sent: 210802/0918Z @:MD2BBS.#SAW.SAA.DEU.EU #:3570 [Salzwedel] $:3570_MD2BBS

Am 02.08.21 um 11:35 schrieb MD2SAW:
> Am 01.08.21 um 22:19 schrieb NL1VKL:
>> Path: !VB1BOX!NL3VKL!
>> To  : PACKET@WW
>> Message from: NL1VKL@NL3VKL
>> Quoting from a previous message...
>>> English:
>>> Hi folks(Hoi, mensen),
>>> here is another possibility to let Direwolf decode better which might
>>> enable or improve the reception of more distant stations.
>>> Set the option "FIC_BITS" in your config file to 1 or higher.
>>> So:
>>> FIX_BITS 1
>>> If this option is enabled, Direwolf tries to swap a bit back and forth
>>> in not correctly received messages until the message matches the
>>> checksum again.
>>> Depending on the value set, i.e.
>>> FIX_BITS 1,
>>> FIX_BITS 2,
>>> FIX_BITS 3,
>>> ...,
>>> DW tries to exchange the number of bits.
>>> The whole thing goes naturally to load of the CPU.
>>> I use the option FIX_BITS 3 and run 2 instances of DW on a Raspberry PI
>>> 4 with 2 external soundcards plus Noden software (TNN) and other programs.
>>> The PI does a great job.
>>> Per instance DW about 10 percent CPU load in the peak.
>>> I have additionally activated the FX.25 encoding in DW which should also
>>> generate some CPU load.
>>> Greetings from Salzwedel,
> Hi,
> Direwolf's FIX_BITS isn't really a good option to decode better. It can, and
> does, corrupt data by the nature of its design/principle
> It's actually not a good option to use at all and it's better to set
> FIX_BITS to 0 and only enable FX.25.
> 73! Dave de NL1VKL
> ====================================================================
>     _____ __    ___   _____ _____ __
> |   | |  |  |_  | |  |  |  |  |  |       Sysop: Dave
> | | | |  |__ _| |_|  |  |    -|  |__     QTH:   Uden - JO21TP
> |_|___|_____|_____|\___/|__|__|_____|    BBS:   NL3VKL.NBO.NLD.EU
>                                             QRV:   27.235 MHz (FM 1k2)
>                                                    27.365 MHz (LSB 1k2)
> NL5VKL Net/Rom node / internet gateway
> ====================================================================
> ** This message is generated with Sally 7.2.044
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Deutsch:
> Hallo,
> Direwolfs FIX_BITS ist nicht wirklich eine gute Option, um besser zu
> dekodieren. Es kann, und
> Daten aufgrund der Natur ihres Designs/Prinzips korrumpieren.
> Es ist eigentlich keine gute Option, die man verwenden sollte, und es
> ist besser,
> FIX_BITS auf 0 zu setzen und nur FX.25 zu aktivieren.
> 73! Dave de NL1VKL
> ====================================================================
>     _____ __    ___   _____ _____ __
> |   | |  |  |_  | |  |  |  |  |  |       Sysop: Dave
> | | | |  |__ _| |_|  |  |    -|  |__     QTH:   Uden - JO21TP
> |_|___|_____|_____|\___/|__|__|_____|    BBS:   NL3VKL.NBO.NLD.EU
>                                             QRV:   27.235 MHz (FM 1k2)
>                                                    27.365 MHz (LSB 1k2)
> NL5VKL Net/Rom node / internet gateway
> ====================================================================
> ** This message is generated with Sally 7.2.044
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

Hi und danke für die Information.

Du hast natürlich recht damit das durch FIX_BITS die Pakete teilweise
nicht zu 100% wieder hergestellt werden koennen, diese "kaputten" Pakete
aber trotzdem an die jeweilige Software weitergeleitet werden, was in
manchen Fällen zu Problemen führen kann.

Man kann Direwolf aber nach FIX_BITS noch eine Ueberpruefung der Pakete
vornehmen lassen was aber auch kein Garant fuer korrekte Daten ist.

checkt DW den AX25 Adressbereich nach Plausibilitaet und mit
checkt DW ob es sich um ein plausibles APRS Paket handelt.

Was FX.25 und FIX_BITS angeht, so sieht es so aus als ob FIX_BITS bei
FX.25 Paketen nicht verwendet wird.

Normales Paket ohne FX.25:
DNX527 audio level = 41(14/9)   [NONE]   _|||||___
an dem [NONE] ist zu erkennen das FIX_BITS aktiviert ist.
[NONE] - Don't try to repair.
[SINGLE] - Attempt to fix single bit error. (default)
[DOUBLE] - Also attempt to fix two adjacent bits.
[TRIPLE] - Also attempt to fix three adjacent bits.
[TWO_SEP] - Also attempt to fix two non-adjacent (separated) bits.

FX25 Paket:
DX0SAW audio level = 54(15/10)    000007___

Hier sind keine FIX_BITS "Labels" ( [....] ) mit angegeben was mich
darauf schliessen laesst das hier kein FIX_BITS angewendet wird.

Es kommt natuerlich auf den Anwendungsbereich an.
Betreibe ich eine BBS die forward via HF macht oder nutze ich ein
NET/ROM Link koennte FIX_BITS eher kontraproduktiv sein.

Aber ich selber habe keine schlechten Erfahrungen damit gemacht bisher
obwohl ich auch forwarde via HF und auch ein NET/ROM Link via HF
eingerichtet hab.

Ich kann nur sehen das mir FIX_BITS hin und wieder Pakete "rettet".
In wie fern sie korrumpiert waren kann ich nicht sagen.




hi and thanks for the information.

You are of course right that FIX_BITS can not restore the packages to
100%, but these "broken" packages are still forwarded to the respective
software, which can lead to problems in some cases.

But you can let Direwolf check the packages after FIX_BITS, but this is
no guarantee for correct data.

DW checks the AX25 address range for plausibility and with
DW checks if it is a plausible APRS packet.

Concerning FX.25 and FIX_BITS, it looks like FIX_BITS is not used for
FX.25 packets.

Normal packet without FX.25:
DNX527 audio level = 41(14/9) [NONE] _|||||___
the [NONE] indicates that FIX_BITS is enabled.
[NONE] - Don't try to repair.
[SINGLE] - Attempt to fix single bit error. (default)
[DOUBLE] - Also attempt to fix two adjacent bits.
[TRIPLE] - Also attempt to fix three adjacent bits.
[TWO_SEP] - Also attempt to fix two non-adjacent (separated) bits.

FX25 package:
DX0SAW audio level = 54(15/10) 000007___

Here are no FIX_BITS "labels" ( [....] ) given which leads me to believe
that no FIX_BITS is applied here.

It depends of course on the area of application.
If I run a BBS that does forward via HF or if I use a NET/ROM link
FIX_BITS could be rather counterproductive.

But I have no bad experiences with it so far although I also forward via
HF and also have a NET/ROM link via HF set up.

I can only see that FIX_BITS "saves" packages from time to time.
In how far they were corrupted I can't say.


Translated with (free version)

73 Manuel.

  __  __ ____ ____  ____    ___        __
|  \/  |  _ \___ \/ ___|  / \ \      / /  Sysop: Manuel
| |\/| | | | |__) \___ \ / _ \ \ /\ / /   QTH:   Salzwedel - JO52NU
| |  | | |_| / __/ ___) / ___ \ V  V /    BBS:   MD2BBS.#SAW.SAA.DEU.EU
|_|  |_|____/_____|____/_/   \_\_/\_/     QRV:   27.235 MHz / 27.025 MHz

Terminal:    MD2SAW via CB0SAW
CB0SAW Teamspeak3-/I-Net-/HF-Gateway/I-Gate  AXIP: U 18093
** This message is generated with Thunderbird

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