OpenBCM V1.07b11 (WIN32)

Packet Radio Mailbox



 Login: GAST


CB2SNK > FBB      07.04.19 10:30l 30 Lines 929 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 1746CB2SNK
Read: GAST
Subj: fbb 7.01a unproto.
Sent: 190406/1550 @:CB2SNK.CB9SNK.FRL.NLD.EU Sally 7.2.018  $:1746CB2SNK


Hi all.

Today i got the question why unproto message retrieval did not work with 
TsThwin and fbb.

Normaly setting pms and unproto beacons is enough.
But with fbb 7.01b there is sort of a bug.
you have to set local also for the specific user to get things working.

Have fun with fbb 7.01b even with the bugs it is working here on the HAM 
system great for about 9 years now :)

Ter voorkoming van de griep volgt hier een spreuk:
"Héé, mijn goudvis lijkt sprekend op die van jou!"

73 Danny.

       .---. CB2SNK .----------- 
      /     \  __  /     -----   Sysop: Danny
     / /     \(..)/     -----    CB2SNK @ CB9SNK.FRL.NLD.EU
    //////   ' \/ `    ---       Gsm: 06-12846156
   //// / // :    : ---          Bereikbaar op ham packet
  // /   /  /`\  /'--            PA2SNK @ PI8SNK.#FRL.NLD.EU
 //          //..\\              
/     ##====UU====UU====##       Groeten uit Friesland !

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