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HB1PMS > JNOS     29.11.20 13:33l 121 Lines 4317 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 6554HB1PMS
Read: GAST
Subj: Jnos 2.0m.5B
Sent: 201128/2234Z 13502@HB1BBS.ZL.NLD.EU BPQ6.0.19

Message from: HB1PMS@HB1BBS

differences between 2.0m.5B and 2.0m.4 - October 26, 2020

 1) The BID for messages from 'our host' is now in BASE36 format, giving us
    a much bigger range of several million numbers, instead of the original
    range of 99999 and then start over again.

    If you use an email client (like thunderbird) to send messages to your
    JNOS system, you'll notice this version no longer uses a portion of the
    long message-id present in the email header to generate the BID, rather
    it will just create another BASE36 BID from JNOS sequence number pool.

    I figure it is perfectly fine to do this now, since BASE36 extends the
    range of the BID to several million. The original message-id is still
    preserved in the message header anyways, so nothing is lost here.

 2) This update sees the addition of DUPE protection for concurrent 
    sessions from multiple remote hosts, where messages having the same BID 
    coming in from multiple sources, seconds of each other, even within 
    of each other in some cases. It should be noted that up till now, JNOS 
    always been vunerable to this, resulting in posting of duplicate 
    which in turn get forwarded to other systems, which is just not good.

    The solution up till now has been to stagger forwards with remote 
    such that only one partner is forwarding at any particular time. With 
    new feature, we can loosen things up a bit more, and not worry about it.

    Still debating whether to defer (instead of refuse) the excess messages 

 3) Better error logging during saving of the BID to the history file.

 4) Instead of hardcoding NETROM parameters, I know several folks have had 
    done, please consider using the following NEW commands in autoexec.nos :

      netrom obsoinit <value>     default is 6, for NEDA use 5
      netrom obsominbc <value>    default is 5, for NEDA use 3

    Same with acktime, use the EXISTING command instead of hardcoding it :

      netrom acktime <value>      default is 3000, for NEDA (?)

 5) If you want to use Brian's (N1URO) mods for TNODE, then define TNODE in
    your config. h or in your makefile before you compile your code.

 6) If you are running two systems with the same Call Sign

    Please consider staggering your sequence numbers, since the sequence 
    pool is now into the several million range, not constrained to the old 1 
    99999 and back. For example, in my /jnos/spool/mqueue/sequence.seq, I 
    the value to 16801420, which starts my base36 bid at ANNNN, way ahead.

    If anyone sees a flaw in this, please talk to me :]

    Not so sure one should be running multi BBS with same callsigns, but ...

 7) How to update your JNOS 2.0m.4 system

    WARNING : only apply this update on 2.0m.4 systems, nothing earlier !

    Run rsync on your source tree like you usually would, for example :

      cd <your JNOS source>

      rsync -av .

    After the rsync is complete, you should notice a new file called :


    Extract the files using :

      tar xvzf update_jnos.2.0m.5B.tar.gz

    If you need TNODE stuff, then add #define TNODE to config.h first

    Compile as usual :

      make clean

73 Henk. HB1PMS
(Message sent with Sally 7.2.042)

  _    _ ____  __ ____  ____   _____ 
 | |  | |  _ \/_ |  _ \|  _ \ / ____|  SYS: Henk (
 | |__| | |_) || | |_) | |_) | (___    QTH: Ouwerkerk - JO11XO
 |  __  |  _ < | |  _ <|  _ < \___ \   BBS: HB1BBS.ZLD.NLD.EU
 | |  | | |_) || | |_) | |_) |____) |  QRV: 27.235 MHz (FM 1200bps)
 |_|  |_|____/ |_|____/|____/|_____/   WEB:


** Host of BPQ Netrom/Node NLDHUB::NL9HUB UDP 93  

** This message is generated with Sally 7.2.033
** Timed zaterdag 28 november 2020  23:21 West-Europa (standaardtijd)

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