OpenBCM V1.07b11 (WIN32)

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 Login: GAST


HB2PMS > JNOS     02.01.21 13:03l 283 Lines 10538 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 7360HB2PMS
Read: GAST
Subj: Jnos v2.0m.5F
Sent: 210102/1031Z 14205@HB1BBS.ZL.NLD.EU BPQ6.0.19

Message from: HB2PMS@HB1BBS

differences between 2.0m.5F and 2.0m.4 - December 24, 2020

 1) Updated latest document project (also included in rsync area) :

 2) The BID for messages from 'our host' is now in BASE36 format, giving us
    a much bigger range of several million numbers, instead of the original
    range of 99999 and then start over again.

    If you use an email client (like thunderbird) to send messages to your
    JNOS system, you'll notice this version no longer uses a portion of the
    long message-id present in the email header to generate the BID, rather
    it will just create another BASE36 BID from JNOS sequence number pool.

    I figure it is perfectly fine to do this now, since BASE36 extends the
    range of the BID to several million. The original message-id is still
    preserved in the message header anyways, so nothing is lost here.

 3) This update sees the addition of DUPE protection for concurrent 
    sessions from multiple remote hosts, where messages having the same BID 
    coming in from multiple sources, seconds of each other, even within 
    of each other in some cases. It should be noted that up till now, JNOS 
    always been vunerable to this, resulting in posting of duplicate 
    which in turn get forwarded to other systems, which is just not good.

    The solution up till now has been to stagger forwards with remote 
    such that only one partner is forwarding at any particular time. With 
    new feature, we can loosen things up a bit more, and not worry about it.

    Excess messages get deferred (not refused), since we might need them 

 4) New Robust Packet Interface (KISS over TCP/IP) to WinRPR Software

   Actually starting playing with this on November 3, after getting a packet
   message from Jan (PA3GJX) saying it was available - and is very exciting.

   Had it working literally the same day, just a stripped down version of my
   AGWPE interface code. What is really important to realize here is that 
   new interface is a full blown AX.25 port, so you can do full packet stuff
   on it - just like HF packet.

   For basic configuration and notes, please check :

   For the WinRPR software download, please visit :

   Post note : I started using WinRPR with NOSaprs shortly after releasing 
   new WinRPR interface. And so my system now igates APRS robust packet 
   heard on 30 meters, to the APRS internet system. At some point I would 
   to use WinRPR to do message forwarding with other BBS systems, we'll see.

 5) Very basic implementation of Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) - why not 
     (note this is very much a prototype, and needs to evolve over time)

 6) Important changes to the JNOS httpvnc (web based user BBS) service

    Now using POST instead of GET in the form submission, so you won't be
    seeing any user credentials and commands in the URL anywmore, it's all
    hidden in the message body now. The original version had user callsign
    and password exposed in the URL which was just bad, but my knowledge of
    HTTP programming was quite limited at the time I wrote the original
    prototype, so really it is a huge security improvment.

    NOTE : Data is still cleartext over your network since this is HTTP ...

    This version also quickly shuts down those annoying and bandwidth 
    favicon http requests that firefox likes to send out in huge volumes, 

    Added a CTRL-A checkbox so a user can abort any SEND (SP, SR, SB) 

    Made adjustments to timeout values in the code, removed some pwait() 
    which didn't seem necessary anymore, and now setting the 'Server:' field 
    the HTTP response header to reflect the more recent JNOS version 2.0m 

    Cleaned up debugging and general logging to the JNOS logfile.

 7) Important changes to the SID Capture feature.

    The original prototype was written more to help me debug stuff at the 
    but I figured it might come in handy for others, but the last 
    actually were not really great. In the interest of getting more 
    about the hosts connecting to us, the focus on the connecting callsign 
    lost, the information displayed was confusing, you had no idea who the 
    was in many cases, and it turns out in the end that I introduced bugs 
    the code, so the information at times was even wrong here and there.

    This new version has a much better user friendly layout, being more in 
    with what I originally wanted to do way back then. Now you get the 
    the time of connect, the full SID sent to us, and connection details, as 
    was this a netrom connect, a radio port, a wormhole, telnet connect, etc 

    For example, on the JNOS console of my development system :

      jnos> mbox sid > /tmp/sid8.txt

    Then from the linux prompt, I can retrieve the content as follows :

      root@slackware:/jnos/src/dev_2.0m.4# more /tmp/sid8.txt 

          gb7cip 20:06:02  GB7CIP @ GB7CIP
          ve3cgh 11:37:17
          ve2har 18:57:57  VE2HAR-8 @ VE2HAR-9
          ve2pkt 17:47:34  VE2PKT @ VE2PKT
          i0ojj  20:15:10
          ve3tok 20:24:55
          n2nov  20:25:21  N2NOV-4 on port newyork
          ve3cgr 17:58:20
          aa6hf  20:24:03  AA6HF-8 on port cal
          i0ojj  20:13:19
          va3tok 20:14:05
          n2nov  18:09:25  1d N2NOV-4 on port newyork
          ve3tok 20:11:25
          wl2k   03:39:54  1d

 8) Security - make sure you configure users in ftpusers with BBS 
    only for stations you have authorized incoming forwarding with. This 
    protect against rogue or ignorant incoming connects from any stations 
    could then proceed to send a SID, possibly followed by illegal 3rd party
    forwarding or forwarding of malicious messages.

    for BBS permissions OR 0x02000 - so 0x0407f in ftpusers becomes 0x0607f

    Up till now, JNOS has always allowed this, but now JNOS will send a 
    message to the 'offending' station first, instead of the SID, disrupting
    the message flow - it might require some refinement, let me know please.

    These events are also logged to the JNOS logfile.

    IF this feature causes you grief, then disable it in config.h with :

      #define J2_DONT_ENFORCE_BBS_USER

 9) Added EHLO support to SMTP server. I discovered this by accident when my
    android email app refused to talk to my JNOS, so tcpdump showed me 
    the problem, easy enough to add the command. Quite honestly, I thought 
    was there already, oops :|

 A) Instead of hardcoding NETROM parameters, I know several folks have had 
    done, please consider using the following NEW commands in autoexec.nos :

      netrom obsoinit <value>     default is 6, for NEDA use 5
      netrom obsominbc <value>    default is 5, for NEDA use 3

    Same with acktime, use the EXISTING command instead of hardcoding it :

      netrom acktime <value>      default is 3000, for NEDA (?)

 B) Couple of 'stability' mods to netrom code.

 C) Better error logging during saving of the BID to the history file.

 D) Removed first column (gateway ip address) from the 'genencaptxt' file.
     (now it matches the exact same format as a real encap.txt)

 E) If you are running two systems with the same Call Sign

    Please consider staggering your sequence numbers, since the sequence 
    pool is now into the several million range, not constrained to the old 1 
    99999 and back. For example, in my /jnos/spool/mqueue/sequence.seq, I 
    the value to 16801420, which starts my base36 bid at ANNNN, way ahead.

    If anyone sees a flaw in this, please talk to me :]

    Not so sure one should be running multi BBS with same callsigns, but ...

 F) How to update your JNOS 2.0m.4 system (or just compile fresh)

    WARNING : only apply this update on 2.0m.4 systems, nothing earlier !

    Run rsync on your source tree like you usually would, for example :

      cd <your JNOS source>

      rsync -av .

    Note the following new possibilities for your config.h file :

      #define WINRPR    /* kiss over tcp/ip interface to WinRPR */

      #define J2MFA   /* prototoype multi factor authentication */ 

      #define TNODE   /* Brian's TNODE mods */

      #define J2_DONT_ENFORCE_BBS_USER   /* use only if it gives you grief 

    Compile as usual :

      make clean

 G) No more patch files, all moved into a patches subdirectory again ...
     (the README files in some of them might come in handy, who knows)

73 Henk.
(Message sent with Sally 7.2.044)

  _    _ ____  __ ____  ____   _____ 
 | |  | |  _ \/_ |  _ \|  _ \ / ____|  SYS: Henk (
 | |__| | |_) || | |_) | |_) | (___    QTH: Ouwerkerk - JO11XO
 |  __  |  _ < | |  _ <|  _ < \___ \   BBS: HB1BBS.ZLD.NLD.EU
 | |  | | |_) || | |_) | |_) |____) |  QRV: 27.235 MHz (FM 1200bps)
 |_|  |_|____/ |_|____/|____/|_____/   WEB:


APRS  : APRS.HB1BBS.COM (51.37.48N : 003.59.01E)

** Netrom/Node HB7NOD::HB7NOS (Jnos)
** Netrom/Node HB8NOD::HB8NOS (Bpq32)
** Netrom/Node HB9NOD::HB9NOS (LinBpq)   

** This message is generated with Sally 7.2.044
** Timed zaterdag 02 januari 2021  11:28 West-Europa (standaardtijd)

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