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NL2ZTM > BPQ32    17.10.15 23:58l 170 Lines 7134 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 1104_NL3ZTM
Read: GAST
Subj: Fwd: Re: [BPQ32] L3/L4 operation intermittently stuck
Sent: 151011/2019Z 1104@NL3ZTM.NL3ZTM.ZH.NLD.EU BPQ1.4.64

-------- Doorgestuurd bericht --------
Onderwerp: 	Re: [BPQ32] L3/L4 operation intermittently stuck
Datum: 	Sun, 11 Oct 2015 10:17:33 -0400
Van: 	Tadd Torborg [BPQ32] <>
Aan: 	bpq group <>

sorry about the links.  I fixed the filenames on the web server.  There 
was a common issue.  oops.

    Thanks for looking at this John.

Tadd Torborg <>

> On Oct 10, 2015, at 9:14 PM, Tadd Torborg 
> <> [BPQ32] < 
> <>> wrote:
> Iâ€Öm having some difficulty suddenly on one of my Raspberry PI/TNC-PI/ 
> pilinbpq  nodes.  It gets into a mode where uplink/downlink traffic in 
> and out works great on all ports but circuit traffic from and to other 
> g8bpq nodes gets hung up and appears to be not working.  It is 
> actually working but can be delayed by many minutes.  You can see the 
> stuck packets in the R R response â€ö see below.  Perhaps L4 is waiting 
> to time-out and then will work again?  I never see the packets go 
> through until they finally do several minutes later.   This issue 
> showed itself after I RESET the Raspberry PI attempting to make the 
> problem go away.  It came back within 11 hours of the reset, maybe 
> sooner.  It isnâ€Öt consistent but once the issue starts, it never fully 
> clears.  Perhaps I could have fixed it by killing pilinbpq and 
> restarting it or some other big manual something.  Iâ€Öm hoping somebody 
> can point to this and tell me where I was stupid.
> Iâ€Öm running pilinbpq April 2015
> Raspberry PI 2 quadcore
> I have my cfg file and a copy of the Monitor traffic from BPQtermTCP 
> and also a Quicktime movie watching BPQtermTCP as the bug is 
> demonstrated.
> The*sysinfo*file has linux versions, CPU identification, uptime, 
> installed packages, usb devices, and other useful information.
> The logs and whatnot are here:
> As Iâ€Öm typing this, this is just a few minutes after i closed the 
> movie and after I took the monitor log, I can get L4/L3 circuit 
> connects to NATHAN:km4dve-2 and JENRET:km4ifv-2, ports 4 and 2.  But 
> not to FIN:nc4fg-2 or ERECH:km4ifu-2, ports 1 and 3.  But I can get 
> connects to any of them by connecting to nodename dash number.  Ok. 
>  after a couple of minutes I finally got the connect acknowledge and 
> info text from FIN and ERECH.  This has to have something to do with 
> L4 timeout.  Thatâ€Ös the only thing I can think of that is set that 
> long.  L4TIMEOUT=180 in the cfg.  could that be the 26 resent?   ok. 
>  Iâ€Öm convinced that this could be it.  Why is this happening? Why 
> those particular ports?  Weâ€Öre on very quiet channels.  Only 2 users 
> per frequency.  The bpq32.cfg for the 4 ports is almost identical. 
> Should be different only in the I2C address #.  The TNC-PI could be 
> different versions but I donâ€Öt know how to query those.
> See STATs result below in this email.
> Thanks for any input!
> TADD:KA2DEW-2} Routes
> > 1 NC4FG-2   200   5! 264    8   3% 0 0 00:57 *6 200 *
> > 2 KM4DVE-2  200   5!  12    1   8% 0 0 00:58  0 199
> > 3 KM4IFU-2  200   5! 136    7   5% 0 0 01:00 *7 189*
> > 4 KM4IFV-2  200   1! 149   12   8% 0 0 00:58  0 200
> stat
> Uptime (Days Hours Mins) 00:11:21
> Semaphore Get-Rel/Clashes 1    50303
> Buffers:Max/Cur/Min/Out/Wait  828      820      803        0  0
> Known Nodes/Max Nodes  10      200
> L4 Connects Sent/Rxed 9        0
> L4 Frames TX/RX/Resent/Reseq  353      767       26        0
> L3 Frames Relayed 6
>                    Port 01  Port 02  Port 03  Port 04  Port 32
> L2 Frames Digied        0        0        0        0        0
> L2 Frames Heard      1048      423      851      856        0
> L2 Frames Rxed        907      272      701      708      233
> L2 Frames Sent       1152      443      919      923      145
> L2 Timeouts            88       12       61       25        0
> REJ Frames Rxed         0        0        0        0        0
> RX out of Seq           0        0        1        0        0
> L2 Resequenced          0        0        0        0        0
> Undrun/Poll T/o         0        0        0        0        0
> RX Overruns             0        0        0        0        0
> RX CRC Errors           0        0        0        0        0
> FRMRs Sent              0        0        0        0        0
> FRMRs Received          0        0        0        0        0
> Frames abandoned        0        0        0        0        0
> Link Active %       0   0    0   0    0   0    0   0    0   0
> Thanks
> *Tadd / KA2DEW*
> * <>*
> *Raleigh NC  FM05pv*
> *
> *
> *“Packet networking over ham radio": 
> *
> *

Posted by: Tadd Torborg <>
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