OpenBCM V1.07b11 (WIN32)

Packet Radio Mailbox



 Login: GAST


NL1VKL > SYSOP    01.12.21 12:00l 54 Lines 2006 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 33782NL1VKL
Read: DQB562 GAST
Subj: WP crappy routing example
Path: DBO595<DBX320<ENG040<NL3VKL<NL3VKL
Sent: 211130/2014 @:NL3VKL.NBO.NLD.EU Sally 7.2.055 NL1VKL.NL3VKL.NBO.NLD.EU $:

Message from: NL1VKL@NL3VKL

Just received this WP crap which my BBS can't route... Again another one 
which type is wrong AND routed wrong.

It's a WP @ FRB024 bulletin, WP messages should ONLY be sent as a personal 
message to a neighbour BBS. Not as a bulletin.

It's sent by FRA199, goes to FRB024 (it's destination) and FRB024 routes it 
to me. That shouldn't be routed further by FRB024 at all.

@ French BBS's: Please check your configs and remove .WW from your H-routes. 
European H-routes always end with .EU   WW is a group destination, not a H-
route suffix.


From        : FRA199
To          : WP@FRB024.#24.FGAQ.FRA.EU.WW
Type/Status : B
Date/Time   : 30-Nov-21 19:30
BID (MID)   : 1710_FRA199
Message #   : 68545
Subject     : WP Update

(This message has been read 2   times so far in this BBS).

R:211130/1820Z 353@FRB024.#24.FGAQ.FRA.EU.WW BPQ6.0.22
R:211130/1700Z 1710@FRA199.#44.FPLD.LA.FRA.EU.WW LinBPQ6.0.22

On 211126 FRA323/U @ FRA323.#31. zip 31 ? REGION TOULOUSE
On 211126 RY7HRO/U @ FU0BOX.#NVP.MVP.DEU.EU zip ? Bjørn ?

         --- End of message#: 68545 from FRA199 to WP ---

73! Dave de NL1VKL

 _____ __    ___   _____ _____ __    				  
|   | |  |  |_  | |  |  |  |  |  |       Sysop: Dave
| | | |  |__ _| |_|  |  |    -|  |__     QTH:   Uden - JO21TP
|_|___|_____|_____|\___/|__|__|_____|    BBS:   NL3VKL.NBO.NLD.EU
                                         QRV:   27.235 MHz (FM 1k2)
                                                27.365 MHz (LSB 1k2)                                           
NL5VKL Net/Rom node / internet gateway
** This message is generated with Sally 7.2.055

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